As customers and shoppers continue to do more research online, more mature and structured organizations continue to integrate content sales and marketing. The goal, of course, is to ensure that when customers seek the pros and especially the cons of their products and services, they find their own content to heal doubts and give them confidence in decision making.

Today, it is common to have content production strategies that seek to respond from the earliest and superficial questions in the journey of consumption of new clients to the deepest and most complex issues of users who have already passed the stage of purchase and who are “relating” to the product purchased.

Articles, infographics, cards, e-books and videos help educate the consumer and build trust around the purchase. And among all these types and formats, we can say that video content has become indispensable in recent years.

According to a recent Forbes study, the use of video is becoming essential in digital communication strategies:

More than 80% of people interviewed said they are watching more online videos today than a year ago.

75% of executives interviewed said they watched work-related videos at least weekly, with more than half (52%) watching these videos on YouTube.

Overall, 65% visited a seller’s website after watching a video.

Another consumer behaviour research conducted by HubSpot confirms this trend. More than half of users say they consume an entire video compared to 29% for blogs and 33% for interactive articles. If you want your entire message to be consumed, video tends to be the preferred medium.

When you combine high production capacity with technology, video can offer great flexibility, based on the user’s interests and other details you know about them.

We observed this movement that we decided to invest in the refining of our own studio in 2015. As specialists in digital communication, we felt that the speed of consumption of content was higher than the capacity of delivery of the production model in the market. In the age of liquid content, great agility is needed to get ideas out of paper and “put them to spin.” Often capturing in one day, editing and publishing in the other.

And in this new universe of information abundance and constant experimentation, there is no room for extravagance in production costs. That’s why we built a service model that, in addition to being agile, allows us to test a lot without weighing customers’ pockets, and at the same time, to provide a constant evolution in the relationship and the involvement of the brands with their consumers.